Tuesday, February 3, 2015

How it starts...

Nothing to it.

These are some quick plans for a portable record player I picked up a while back. It's got a pair of 50C5 tubes for about 5W in push-pull, one 12AX7, and a hot chassis.

I'm going to add a second preamp tube and an isolation transformer, and use the extra gain stage for bias-mod tremolo. I ripped that shamelessly from Fender; might add NFB too, make it a tiny Princeton.

You'll probably notice I write ohm's law and the equation for finding knee frequencies over and over again. I blame chemistry. It's not a bad habit, but it does look silly looking back at your notes.

Hopefully this posts; I apparently can't comment on my own posts or format things the way I want on my phone or computer, but I blog so infrequently that it's probably not worth migrating to a new blog host. So, sorry! I'm not ignoring you!

I'm surprised it's let me type this long; I shouldn't push it any further...

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