Saturday, March 22, 2014

The five percent nation of filter caps

Finally got a little more work done on the Rockette. I need to think of a better name.
Got the power amp finished, except for the grid leaks. Maybe I will put that PPIMV in after all. The PI tube is all the way across the chassis so I'll probably need shielded cable anyway.
Also finished wiring in the filter caps. I don't like turrets; tag strips have ruined me forever.
It's crazy how time-consuming this is when you're not painting by the numbers. If I had a board of the preamp components that I could just plop in, I'd be done by now.
Hopefully I can avoid noise problems, because fixing them is going to be a bear. The "distributed star" grounding is going to help, and I should be able to attach the components to the preamp sockets in a "bicycle spoke" pattern also, which is pretty much ideal.
Time will tell, but I'm optimistic.

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