Sunday, March 9, 2014

Rockette - more wiring

So, I got the PT primary wired up. The safety is wired to its own chassis connection, and the purple is just a static shield for the PT.
No rectifier yet, but we're getting 273V AC, both unloaded and with the tubes in (heater load). Forgot to check what the heater sags to, but unloaded it's at 6.8V AC, which is fine.
Admirable performance from a PT sold as 250V. Added bonus: it's rated for 100VA at 50 Hz. Long story short, it should be able to supply much more current than the amp can draw. Which is great, because how guitar amp PTs have been sized in the past irks me.
To that end, I don't think I'm going to install a sag resistor. At least not initially. I might abandon cathode bias later on too. We'll see how punchy it is, and if it's not enough I'll go from there.
I think I'm going to mount the B+ fuse internally. As much as I like the pretty fuse holder on the back, it's just going to be inconvenient for wiring. Same reason I installed a Carling instead of using the front panel power switch it came with.
Slow and steady...

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