Sunday, November 24, 2013

Latest Bodie Schematic

Okay, so I've learned to stop romanticizing vintage design yet again. I significantly increased the power supply filtering and oh my goodness is Bodie better now. Punchier with better bass response and less excess treble. I'm going to take this up another couple notches when I have more parts.

I also tweaked the bass half of a James tone stack for my bass control instead of the dual-coupling cap idea. The mid and high attenuation is very helpful, and now the possibility of bass "boost" can kick up a heavier butt for solo playing.

This is getting close to as good as it's going to get. I'm still tempted to tear apart the front end so that the second and third triode stages will be in parallel instead of the first and second. And I'm going to increase the power supply filtering a little more too, when I get some more power resistors. Knock these crazy voltages down a bit more.

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