Sunday, March 24, 2013

Bodie & 5E3 Sound Clips

Mourning the loss of my laptop (not really; rot in hell you plastic monstrosity) I wasn't sure if I could still record digital audio, but it turns out I can!

The playing's not the greatest, but here are the first sounds from Bodie and a quick run through the 5E3.

For both of these I'm playing through an SX Tele '69 Thinline clone with Bill Lawrence Wilde L200 pickups; volume and tone all the way up and switch set to the middle position. Oh, and it's currently tuned to B standard with a custom set of 16-70 strings. Yeah, I know.*

The mic is an Audio-Technica snare drum mic approximately a foot away.

Bodie is played through a vintage EV SRO-12L in an open-back 1x12 cab which is overall a neutral (LOUD) speaker with too much high end.

I start off messing with the "character" control, starting with it dimed and backing it down to zero over a few repetitions, just to show how powerful a real 'mids' control can be!

Later I try to demonstrate Bodie's touch sensitivity and I end with showing its (currently not very good) overdriven tone. Master is all the way up the whole time, which explains the OD tone somewhat, given the cathodyne PI and cathode-biased power tubes.

Still though, those cleans are killer.

You can catch a little of the "overdriven cathodyne frequency doubling" around 2:30. Kind of a neat effect, but I'm going to squash it. Who would've thought a 470k grid stopper would be too small?  

The 5E3 is in a pine 5E3 cabinet, and the speaker is a Weber Alnico Sig 12S.
The only thing holding this back is the guy holding the guitar! I'm just playing around a little bit with the touch sensitivity and the interactivity of the controls. It's a stock 5E3, so there shouldn't be any surprises here.

I usually spend more time dialing in the best tone on this one, but this was just a quick demo. The mic doesn't really capture how bassy it sounds, even with a Tele. Still, I love this little guy with a Les Paul; don't know why, the blues just flow.

* .016, .018, .028w, .038, .050w, .070w. The F# string (the second one) is a little too slinky at .018" but not bad enough to buy the gauge I wanted separately... probably wound too. In standard tuning I usually play 13s but I'm not a nut about it for tone or anything, I just prefer the feel.

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