Monday, December 31, 2012

On the bench

It looks like it's going to take a while for me to post details of everything I'm working on, but here's a quick list:

  • Stromberg-Carlson AU-36B (100W beast)
  • Bogen CHB-35A - 30 W of glory, if I can ever settle on a schematic. Planning on making this my main gigging amp.
  • Crate GT50 Stealth - Combo with 4x6V6 output section and a fried PT. Might try to avoid point-to-point for this one. Probably going to be a classic Marshall, like a 4010 or 4001.This one I'd likely be willing to sell.
I've also been looking at modding a Silverface Deluxe Reverb for a customer. Been pretty interesting so far pushing the schematic around; really excited to start tweaking the bugger. 

And if $600 falls in my lap from the heavens I'm thinking about throwing together a 5E3 just for fun, maybe flip it for a tiny profit that I'd roll into future amp parts. 

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